

February 27, 2013

Institute of Construction Management President Les Helliwell attends the IDE Spring Seminar in Leeds

The last Friday in February is now firmly in the diary of demolition professionals as the date of the IDE Spring Seminar at Royal Armouries, Leeds and the latest version of this long running saga saw over 200 delegates attend on Friday to listen to presentations from Able UK, Coleman & Co, Tim Lohmann of Swanton Consulting, and Julie White of DDrill, to name just four, with two of those delegates being Ian Trickey (Membership Director) and Les Helliwell (President) of The Institute of Construction Management.

It was the second visit to the event by Les Helliwell, following his attendance last year with Owen Wood, and John took the opportunity to ask Les why the IConstM had decided to return this year.

Les Helliwell said "I believe that the two institutes are a good mix with IConstM encouraging competence during the build phase of a project and IDE encouraging competence during the demolition. Following our attendance at last year's event when we recruited a number of IDE members to our institute we thought we would return and try to again encourage IDE members to join IConstM. This year we also managed to speak to Philip Baker, Past President of APS, on a possible link up between APS and IConstM in the future. In my opinion the IDE Spring Seminar is one of the must attend dates of the demolition year".

As a member of IConstM it was particularly pleasing for John to greet Ian and Les at the event and we hope to see them again next year.

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