

February 5, 2013

Male Testicular Cancer Awareness Website and Charity launched

C&D are constantly striving to bring safety awareness to everyone in the demolition industry, and support health initiatives that save lives. So we are really pleased to see a new charity formed in the Black Country to promote awareness of testicular cancer - Balls to Cancer!

Over 200,000 men die in the UK each year from cancer of one sort or another. Traditionally men have been reluctant to visit their GP if they suspect that there may be something wrong with them, preferring to ignore the symptoms due to the fear and anxiety that the thought of cancer raises in us all. However, when confronted, advances in treatment now mean that cases of testicular cancer diagnosed and treated in the early stages have an excellent success rate so the message from C&D is:
  1. Visit the website for a self check examination.
  2. Visit your GP if you suspect a lump.
  3. Say "Balls to Cancer"
  4. Support the charity.

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