

April 15, 2013

Institution of Occupational Safety and Health request for support

Richard Jones, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health has got in touch and asked us to share the following important information and request to sign an e-petition:

Unfortunately, the Government plans to cut important guidelines that help employers to comply with health and safety laws. Organisations use the ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Approved Code of Practice’ (ACoP) to manage risk and prevent accidents, injury, illness and death in the workplace. But the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) wants to replace this with non-approved guidance that lacks the same authority and assurance. IOSH believes this would be a mistake that could potentially cost lives and we strongly urge the DWP to improve and retain this much-valued ACoP.

We’ve now posted our first-ever e-petition on the Government’s website and if we reach 100,000 signatures, it triggers consideration and a possible debate in Parliament. Such a debate would draw attention to the issues and supporting MPs would get the opportunity to make the case for retention. To help secure 100,000 signatories, we’re encouraging our membership and all interested parties to sign-up. For more information about e-petitions, please see here.

So I would like to seek your support (and that of any interested family and friends) for our e-petition please. Signing is quick and easy and can be done by visiting http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/46262. It just requires your name, address and email address.

If you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Many thanks for your support.

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