

May 15, 2013

Institute of Construction Management launch National Register of Safety Competence

Les Helliwell, President and a Fellow of the Institute of Construction Management, is pleased to announce the launch of the National Register of Safety Competence.

Helliwell says "The register is open to new and existing institute members with entry dependent upon their competence, qualifications and experience attainments as measured against the CDM Regulations and the National Occupational Standards. The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) is pleased to see the register".

Helliwell added; "It is extremely important to eradicate all accidents and improve health and welfare issues in the construction industry, to ensure all personnel arrive home to their families safely each night.

The register is available to the public to enable verification of the competence of practitioners that customers, employers and authorities may be considering to engage and provides a level of assurance required by law.

Having the knowledge to operate safely within construction activities is vital to our goal and those engaging personnel, including domestic and non-domestic clients, designers, principal contractors, self-employed and workers.

We are aware that changes are being discussed with regard to the CDM Regulations that are due for review in 2014/15 and we believe that this will involve the principal contractors having greater input as CDM Co-ordinators in the future.

I commend the Institute of Construction Management and recommend the National Register of Safety Competence to all construction personnel. Membership and register applications can be found on our website at www.the-icm.com"

It goes without saying that John Woodward has applied for inclusion on the register.

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