

February 27, 2014

NDTG launches free seminar for Training Administrators

The NDTG realises there is a lot of pressure placed on the administration team within a demolition company, simply by the work load they have ensuring everyone's training and cards are up-to-date.

With that in mind, free seminars are being offered as a way of helping.

The seminars will be delivered by Group Manager, Sophie Cox, Centre Coordinator, Kaila Francis, and NDTG Scotland's Shona Farrell.

The NDTG describe the seminar as follows:

"The Group have developed a half day seminar aimed at those administration professionals seeking guidance on all things demolition training. Taking a step by step approach through requirements and processes, the seminar will also give delegates the opportunity to meet with the NDTG team and peers who deal with the same day to day challenges faced by those responsible for organising and monitoring training and qualifications for those on the ground."

The course is free to members, with the following dates and locations confirmed:

27th Mar 2014, 10am
NDTG Ltd, Resurgam House, Paradise, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 4TF

25th Apr 2014, 10am
University of Birmingham

2nd May 2014, 10am
Northern Safety Ltd, 109B Allison Avenue, Teeside Industrial Estate, Thornaby, Middlesborough, TS17 9LY

If you'd like to know more, either email NDTG or phone them directly on 01442 217144

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