

October 23, 2014

Work Under Pressure film now free to watch

Production company Outtakes have decided to release their Work Under Pressure film for free viewing to coincide with the European Health and Safety Week. You can watch it above.

The film centres on the personal story of Neil Moon who was so severely bullied by co-workers that he attempted suicide and suffered a breakdown that kept him out of work for 5 years. Neil wants to share his experience as widely as possible to highlight the issues around stress and other mental health issues. Also in the film are experts from Restore and Root & Branch, mental health charities in Oxfordshire who helped Neil in his recovery.

If you feel this film would be beneficial for others you know to watch, then it's possible to purchase a copy on DVD for £25 +VAT. The DVD can be ordered by calling Outtakes directly on 0208 293 9888, or emailing them at info@outtakes.co.uk.

C&D Consultancy run a stress awareness course that can be booked by getting in touch via john.woodward@demolishdismantle.co.uk

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