A guest post from Angela Chouaib of Spectra Analysis Services Ltd.
As the Asbestos Industry morphs to accommodate the ever changing needs of the economy and clients; I too have also taken steps to secure my future within the Industry. I proudly accepted a position in the Management Team at Spectra Analysis and I am extremely excited and positive about the challenges that face both me and the Industry as we come out of this gloomy Recession!
Given the credit crunch it appears to be increasingly more important for Clients to balance the choice of appointing competitively priced consultants that don’t compromise on quality.
Spectra are fully accredited by UKAS for all facets of testing and inspection in accordance with ISO 17025 & ISO 17020. They are members of ATAC, CHAS, EXOR and Constructionline and are regular participants in both the RICE (Regulatory Inter-Laboratory Counting Exchange) and AIMS (Asbestos in Material Scheme) with a history of error free results every time in each discipline. Additionally we have been awarded ISO 9001, ISO14000 and ISO18000 in February this year as a sign of our commitment to continuous business improvement and quality driven processes.
To reduce overheads and pass these cost saving onto the clients Spectra Analysis decided to minimise the amount of Regional offices and instead opted for operating a fleet of mobile laboratories strategically positioned throughout the UK. All our Analysts hold the mandatory P403 and P404 qualifications. This allows us to provide a 24 hour, 7 days per week service and can, in emergencies, provide immediate response to any given site with the UK. This service is backed up using our up-to-date fleet of vehicles, each fitted with I.T technology that allows each analyst to produce electronic certificates. Each vehicle is allocated to a single analyst, who is obtainable via mobile telephone 24 hours a day. The vehicles contain full high tech analytical equipment at all times to keep response times to a minimum.
When it comes to Surveying, Spectra Analysis provides a comprehensive asbestos surveying service to professionals active in the property management and development sectors. All surveyors are fully trained, experienced and as a minimum hold P402 qualification; It is now noted with HSG264 that The P402 qualification alone isn’t sufficient this must be accompanied by with ABICS or UKAS Inspection Accreditation which proves the Surveyor/Company is ‘fit for purpose’.
Our fully manned analysis laboratory incorporates high tech, bulk identification equipment and fibre counting facilities. Only competent personnel educated to BOHS P401/P402 standard perform sampling and analysis. Analysis results can be obtained either immediately upon receipt of samples (Emergency Service), or within 48-72 hours. (Standard Service)
More importantly is the focus on Customer Care – This is where companies generally let themselves down. Spectra Analysis strives to be recognised by customers as the premier provider in the market place, combining the highest standards of quality, service and value. We do this by focusing on our customers’ precise needs and working in partnership with them to tailor ‘bespoke’ asbestos management solutions. This approach calls for a culture of honesty, openness and transparency, which permeates everything that we do and is reflected in the attitude, commitment and performance of every member of Spectra Analysis Personnel.
I built up a very healthy and loyal client base at my previous consultancy and this was based on trust and exceeding service expectations. I hope that you will give me a chance to exceed your expectations when it come to tendering for any contract requirements that you may have in the future, but in the meantime please give me a call on 07825 369 381 for free impartial Asbestos related advice and guidance.
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