Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year so please can I have:-
- A new high reach machine that is powered by rainwater and snow as I only want to use it in the UK.
- Jobs with builders who actually leave us alone to get on with it as we actually know what we are doing and they don’t need to “manage” us.
- A machine that lets me have a CPCS card for less than £100 and no log books to fill in and NVQ’s to do. (Just like it used to be).
- Ferrous scrap prices to go up to £500 per tonne and to stay there for 12 months.
- A new fence as the Environment Agency broke mine by keep sitting on it whilst deciding what is or isn’t waste.
- Lots of jobs to price without having to fill in hundreds of pre-qualification documents all asking the same questions in a different order.
- An iPhone App that means I can get the gas cut off to a site before we actually need to start the demolition.
- A phone filter that prevents calls about ”unbeatable mobile phone deals”.
- Wolves to sign Lionel Messi and two new centre backs for £50 in the sales.
Love from John
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