The forward-thinking people at EnviroMission have come up with a new, completely clean process of energy generation that is far more efficient than any other green energy technology.
The new system requires a large area of land in a hot climate like a desert. On this land they build a massive greenhouse with a tower in the center. As the sun heats up the air underneath the greenhouse it needs to escape and is forced up the central tower. Inside the tower are a number of generatos (32) that produce electricity from the hot air rushing to escape passes them.
As a comparison of how efficient this system is, even the best solar panels never get past 15% efficiency, where as this tower sits at 60%. It also works 24 hours a day as the heat generated through the day is still rushing up the tower long after the sun has gone down for the night.
The first planned tower generator will be built in the Arizona desert and is absolutely huge. It will stand 2,625 feet in the air, more than double the height of the Empire State Building. Unfortunetly, no one alive and working today will ever get to see it demolished as the project is expected to have an 80-year lifespan.
As for energy generation, its peak output is 200 megawatts, or enough for 150,000 homes. The cost of building one is $750,000, but that will be recouped in just 11 years from selling the energy it produces.
So a completely clean energy generation system, that can be built on land that otherwise can't be used, an 80-year lifespan, and profitable in just over a decade. It sounds too good to be true, but the Arizona tower generator will come online in 2015.
Source: Gizmag
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