

January 18, 2012

Demolition worker fined for causing severe leg injury

Devon Stoner, a 44 year old demolition worker employed by Sloane Demolition Ltd., has been prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive.

In January last year Mr Stoner entered a 360 excavator on the site of a two-storey building that was being demolished in Kent. Four other men were present sorting and reclaiming bricks. Mr Stoner started the excavator, but could not control it.

The uncontrolled movements of the machine managed to knock over a wall. A co-worker could not move away from the wall quick enough and suffered severe injuries to his leg. The injury was so bad, the man now walks around with a steel plate in his shin and ankle. At the time, his shin was completely shattered and his ankle broken.

The blame for the incident lies with Mr Stoner who was both untrained and unauthorized to use the machine by his employer. After pleading guilty to breaching section 7(a) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, a court ruled he pay a £500 fine and undertake 120 hours of community service.

That's little compensation for his co-worker who has to live with the consequences of Mr Stoner's actions in what was a completely avoidable incident.

Source: HSE

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