

April 12, 2012

An Ode to Phil Lowe

It was sad news to report recently that Phil Lowe, a friend to the demolition indutsry, had died after a long battle with illness.

His funeral was held on April 4th, and Dick Green wrote the following poem, entitled "Ode to Phil" to celebrate his life. We hope you enjoy it.

Ode to Phil

The old teams back together, Phils gone to join his dad,

They will be talking of the old times of all the jobs they had,

They blasted round the UK and countries far and wide,

Barry Lowe the blaster, and Philip by his side.

His father will be proud of him and the blasts that Phil has done

They both were magic blaster (like father and like son)

When Phil gets to those pearly gates and walks on right on past them,

His dad will smile and say with pride “ we’ve given a price to Blast Em”

So next time you hear some thunder and a crack of lightning whips past,

Look to heaven and raise a smile, It’s Phil doing a test Blast.

Phil Lowe, Master Blaster.

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