

June 12, 2012

IDE North East Regional Meeting scheduled for July 12th

Trevor Symonds MIDE, has kindly organised a North East Regional Meeting which will take place on the 12th July. It is to be held at the Bridge Hotel, Washford, Wetherby. North Yorkshire LS22 5HS. Details of which can be found here: http://www.thebridgewetherby.co.uk/

The meeting will start at 3pm, but from 2.30pm onwards Trevor will be there to greet members and there will also be a light buffet on arrival sponsored by Northern Safety Ltd. The meeting is due to finish around 6pm. There is also the option to socialise and have dinner together in the bar afterwards.

There will be three speakers on the day, presenting on a wide range of topics:
  • The Blue Group will be talking about the latest crushing and screening technologies within the industry.
  • The local HSE inspector will also be presenting on a demolition related topic.
  • And finally, David Gauja of PTS Demolition will be talking on motorway bridge deconstruction techniques.
Please let Rachel know by the 2nd July if you wish to attend this meeting. You can email her at rachel@demolitionengineers.org

Three CORE CPD hours will be given for attending.

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