

November 22, 2013

Demolition of Mansfield General Hospital to cost an extra £360,000

The demolition of Mansfield General Hospital has been awarded to CMEC Demolition, but it is going to cost £940,000 rather than the initially expected £580,000 -- a £360,000 increase. The reason? Asbestos and trespassers.

Apparently more asbestos has been found on the site than was first thought. If that wasn't enough of a problem, trespassers have disturbed it, taking the cost of removing it and making the location safe up even further. CMEC will spend 6 months demolishing the buildings, including one dating back to 1900, but which has remained unoccupied and unmaintained for over two decades.

Although there are no concrete plans in place for the plot once cleared, it will mean an eye sore has been removed and there are a number of development projects being put forward. Let's hope whichever is accepted earns the council back the extra money it cost to clear up the site.

Source: Chad

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