

March 11, 2014

Controversial building at Huddersfield University marked for demolition

Huddersfield University has been given the go ahead to demolish the Brunswick building as well as the old Sports Hall that sits alongside it. But it's the Brunswick building that has caused the controversy as the Huddersfield Civic Society has sought to save it.

The Society's reasoning is that the former Central Lads Brunswick Club building has historical significance, and they even went so far as to apply to English Heritage to have it listed. That was rejected, though, and now demolition is set to happen.

In its place the University will construct a new building whose design is yet to be determined. The Society would like that design opened up to all through a competition, and further, for the facade from the previous demolition of the Moldgreen Methodist Chapel to be used.

We'll have to wait and see if those ideas are entertained, but one thing is clear, the Brunswick building is now set to come down.

Source: Examiner

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