

October 23, 2017

IDE Elections are upon us so use your vote wisely!

The IDE elections for Council of Management are now upon us with members receiving voting emails as we speak.

If you are a member eligible to vote you are being asked to vote in two contests as follows:-

1. Re-election of Stuart Accleton as Honorary Treasurer
You may think that as Stuart holds the position and is the only name on the ballot paper then you do not need to vote for him. This is wrong, he must be re-elected to the position as he is the best man for the job and can only be re-elected if the members vote for him so please DO NOT IGNORE this section.

2. Election to Council of Management
This year there are three places on the Council available and we have seven candidates to choose from when casting your three votes. I would ask that before you cast your votes you read the "manifestos" of the candidates to see which of the seven have the members' interests at heart and that is where you should cast your vote. It would be unethical of me as a Past President to tell you who I think you should, or should not vote for, but I will say that Mike Kehoe of C&D Consultancy is a candidate and Mike follows my own line of thinking with regard to the IDE.

The IDE, I believe, has always been an Institute for its members whoever they work for and whatever their position within demolition and that should not change. Demolition is not just for the privileged few, it is for everyone, so vote for those candidates that will ensure that IDE continues to put the needs of the individual members first, rather than the needs of companies.

And remember that even though you have three votes that you can cast you can use one, two, or all three of those votes. So if there are only two people that you feel meet your requirements for helping to run the IDE then vote for those two only. A "throw away" vote on a third candidate who you are not so keen on could, in fact, vote them into office before the ones you want to be in office.

The IDE has come a long way in the last ten years and this vote could be crucial in shaping it's future. Please VOTE but VOTE WISELY!

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