Today sees Jill and I catching an early train to London to attend the NFDC AGM at which I will deliver an address on behalf of the IDE and propose a toast to the NFDC at the luncheon that follows.
The AGM will see changes at the top of NFDC and here at C&D we would like to congratulate the following:-
Dave Darsey on two years as President where the NFDC has continued to grow and raise the profile of the demolition industry throughout the UK and into Europe. During his time as President Dave has stamped his personality on the role whilst keeping his hands firmly on the controls so that NFDC continued to grow and prosper under his Presidency and here at C&D we would like to congratulate Dave on a job very well done and we will remember the times we enjoyed together at NFDC Charity Balls, with his lovely wife Sarah, and on official business overseas at Demcon 2010 and the Demolition Awards 2010.
Well done Dave, now take the time to sit back and watch rather than being in the hot seat and take time with Sarah and the children to chill out and not worry about audit schemes, health surveillance, conventions etc etc.
Gary Bishop on becoming the President with strong views as to where he would like the NFDC to go during his presidency and the dedication to the role that will ensure that the NFDC is in safe hands. Also to Sarah who will be at his side throughout his term in office and be the steadying influence that he may need if times get rocky. We have enjoyed many hours in the company of both of them and I hope that we will continue to do so over the time of his presidency and continue with our personal training regime to become masters of Rioja!
William Sinclair on moving up to Vice President to assist Gary with the duties of the office of President and to stand in for Gary as required. William will bring his own skills to the role of Vice and will be excellent in that position. His wife Tracey will be there to help him if things get difficult and we hope that they will both be present at functions throughout the UK over the next few years so that we can continue to enjoy William's excellent company as we have done over the last few years, particularly when at the EDA in Istanbul.
Martin Wilson on taking up the position of 2nd Vice President that will see him take the first steps on the road to the NFDC Presidential office. Martin will bring dedication and confidence to the position of 2nd Vice and a willingness to work hard for the NFDC over the next 8 years.
Congratulations to all.
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