

March 1, 2013

Changes at the top of the NFDC

Today, March 1st sees not only a new month but also a new President of the NFDC as William Sinclair takes over the chain of office from Gary Bishop.

William, MD of Safedem Limited, will take control of the NFDC at today’s AGM at the Dorchester and John & Jill will be there to see him do so.

Gary Bishop has been NFDC President for the last 2 years, coming into the chair in March 2011 just a few months after John became IDE President in November 2010, and the two have worked together at many events promoting the demolition industry and the need for competence and experience in that industry. Gary set out to do many things in his time as President and we are certain that when he hands over the heavy chain to William it will be done with a quiet satisfaction that he achieved what he set out to do in his two years and Gary can retire from the main job to enjoy quiet nights drinking a nice Rioja with Sarah and their girls Amy and Gemma, whilst still remaining involved as Immediate Past President of the organisation.

William, well known to readers of this website for his masterful demolition of tower blocks by explosives, most recently at Red Road, will bring his own views to the Presidency. From our dealings with William on many projects over the last few years, most notably Red Road and St. Nicholas House in Aberdeen, we will expect him to have many exciting ideas, to bring innovative thoughts to the table and to be a problem solver, all ideal attributes for the top job in what are still difficult times for this industry of ours.

We would like to congratulate Gary Bishop on a good two years, Martin Wilson on becoming NFDC Vice President, and finally our very good friend and colleague William Sinclair on taking the chains of office that may come with a heavy responsibility, but will be perfectly safe on the shoulders of a “Canny Scot” who will wear them with dignity and pride.

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