

April 2, 2013

Global Asbestos Awareness Week

This week has been designated as Global Asbestos Awareness week and in my opinion that is a good idea, but it would be a far better idea if they has designated it as Global Ban Asbestos Now Week instead.

I find it hard to comprehend that one of the most technically advanced and better educated nations in the World, the USA, has failed to realise that Asbestos Kills, and does so regularly and without mercy. The USA have never banned Asbestos, and continue to both import and use the killer product today, despite unrefutable evidence that it kills thousands of USA residents every year.

Anyone who studies asbestos, as we do here at C&D, will know that Libby, Montana has become a toxic town following the mining of vermiculite ore, for use in 30 million US homes as loft insulation, that was contaminated with Tremolite asbestos. The town has one of the highest rates of asbestos related diseases per head of population in the World with some residents becoming ill with Mesothelioma just because they played Little League Baseball on a tremolite contaminated field.

If you would like to know more about Libby and it's issues why not take 15 minutes to watch this news item on Youtube:

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