

November 5, 2014

IDE Elections 2014: Just to Clarify

The IDE National Secretary, Maureen Tong-Ralphs has been in touch to clarify a few things regarding the IDE Elections 2014. You can read what she had to say below:

The IDE Head Office are receiving rather a lot of calls concerning the Voting Procedure for this year’s elections:

Just to clarify that Voting is open to Fully Paid Up Fellows (FIDE, Hon FIDE), Full Members (MIDE, Hon MIDE) and Associate Members (AMIDE) of the Institute.

Before you call us please make sure that:

a) You fit into the category as stated above.

b) That you are up-to-date with your Subscription payments.

c) That you have checked your emails for an email that was sent to you from the Electoral Reform Services or Caroline Jepps. This would have probably happened on the 23rd October.

d) That you have followed the clear instructions given in that email. Please note that Voting cannot be done over the phone, via an email to the IDE or via our website.

If after this, you are still experiencing difficulties then please call us on 01634 816255 and we will be happy to help you.

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