

January 23, 2013

Construction Manager of the Year: Ken Watts FIConstM

Each year the Institute of Construction Management elect a Construction Manager of the Year and it was fititng in Olympics year that Ken Watts FIConstM won the award following his excellent work in delivering the Olympic transport plan.

As the ICM explains:

"Ken left Gardener & Theobald, not for retirement but to join the Olympic Delivery Authority as Programme Manager within the Transport set-up team, preparing the transport network for the influx of over 70,000 athletes, officials, and media and over 8 million spectators.

Ken’s role was to develop an overall programme to ensure all aspects of all the various works streams detailed in the Olympic Transport Plan were captured and linked logically in one programme. The ODA programme captured over 4,000 separate activities and 600 milestones. From the milestones he had developed several High level Key Project Milestones charts which were monitored monthly and reported to Senior management and Government agencies and other delivery partners so they could be assured that the Games Transport would be available as planned. As we have seen it was a great success and much of the £6.5 billion investment in transport infrastructure has a lasting legacy.

Source: ICM

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