

January 5, 2016

Too much hanging about

Something nasty happens to your body when you are left hanging, suspended in a harness for too long. Mountaineers tend to refer to it as Rescue Death, whilst we simply use the phrase Suspension Trauma.

The effect is similar to soldiers who stand still on parade for long periods of time. As this standing does not promote blood flow around the body, it will pool in the legs and a result eventually they will faint. This fainting is actually the body protecting itself because the act of fainting lowers the body to the floor making it easier for blood to be pumped around. However in a harness this does not happen.

What happens here is much more serious, possibly even fatal.

So two lessons to learn:

1. Ensure the person wearing the harness is not forced into the hanging position for whatever reason.

2. Make sure you have an adequate rescue plan for retrieval of operatives working at height should it become necessary.

For further information go to http://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/faq-height.htm

Remember your rescue plan cannot be reliant on the emergency services, any delay could make the situation worse.

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