
Showing posts with label NFDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NFDC. Show all posts

December 11, 2017

John D. McArthur - Rest in peace

August 4, 2017

IDE and NFDC Golf Day 2017 Confirmed

As the invitation below states, if you'd like to attend then please call 01634 790548 or email info@ide.org.uk. We look forward to seeing you there on Friday, 15th September.

July 14, 2017

IDE Midlands Regional Meeting, August 15th

On Tuesday, August 15th, an IDE Midlands Regional Meeting will be held in The Oak Hotel on Stratford Road in Hockley Heath.

The event is sponsored by DSM Demolition and kicks off at 5pm with registration and networking accompanied by refreshments and a buffet.

After that there will be a couple of speakers including safety consultant Steve Tamplin talking about scaffolding awareness. Then there's Ricky Hay FRICS, regional chairman of the NFDC for Scotland & ireland. He'll be talking about the demolition of the St. James Quarter in Edinburgh.

Attendees will also be able to watch a time delay video on the demolition of the Tottenham Hotspurs Ground at White Hart Lane in London. It's a work in progress by sponsors DSM Demolition.

If you'd like to attend, then please email info@ide.org.uk to register.

January 24, 2017

John Woodward to be session chair at World Demolition Summit

We are very pleased to announce that our very own John Woodward has been confirmed as chairing the afternoon session of the World Demolition Awards this year. He will follow on after lunch from Howard Button, CEO of the NFDC who is handling the morning.

This year, the World Demolition Summit will be held on November 2nd at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel in London. It's the 9th year of the summit, which celebrates excellence and innovation in the demolition industry. As well as the awards, there's a high level technical conference which is currently calling for papers to be submitted.

As the conference organiser, Demolition & Recycling International (D&Ri) magazine is looking for presentations in the following areas:
  • Challenging and innovative project reports
  • Examples of best practice in recycling, health and safety and demolition
  • New technology or techniques to solve problems
  • Research with direct relevance to demolition and recycling contractors
If you'd like to submit a paper or simply to learn more about the conference, please email Steve Ducker at steve.ducker@khl.com.

Source: KHL

November 8, 2016

Demolition & Dismantling Magazine Issue 3 available

Issue 3 - 2016 of the Demolition & Dismantling Magazine is now available to read completely free in your web browser of choice. Subscribers will be receiving their copies in the post.

This issue contains a full report on the summer convention in Marbella, plus member’s projects and an important update on the new NFDC/NDTG CCDO Smart Card Scheme.

To view it in your browser right now click here.

September 7, 2016

End of life for HBCD-containing polystyrene insulation foams

Our sister site Demolition Training has some important information up this morning regarding the end-of-life of HBCD-containing polystyrene insulation foams. It includes an essential case study document courtesy of the NFDC and Plastics Europe.

Head on over to Demolition Training to read up on this important issue.

September 6, 2016

170 representatives attended the NFDC Convention 2016

The NFDC Annual Convention took place at the end of August, running from the 26th-28th. It was a huge success and we've included the NFDC write-up below:

More than 170 representatives from 50 member companies of the NFDC came together this weekend (26-28 August) to enjoy the networking, social and business opportunities of the NFDC Annual Convention.

Held this year at the Hotel Villa Padierna Palace in Marbella and sponsored by Finning CAT, the convention included the annual half yearly business meeting. This saw Finning CAT give members a sneak preview into new demolition specific products it will be launching in October and January that will include new safety specific features unique to Caterpillar.

The business meeting also saw NFDC President Martin Wilson and Chief Executive Howard Button reveal the latest developments in training, industry guidance notes and the launch of a new NFDC supported National Demolition Training Group (NDTG) CCDO Smart Card Scheme – which it is hoped will also be extended to include demolition plant.

Marketing updates included an increased profile for the NFDC through magazine advertising and awards sponsorship in conjunction with Construction News, as well as the launch of a new corporate brochure which was also previewed at the business meeting.

Dates were confirmed for both Demolition Expo 2017, which will next year extend to be a three-day show held from 22-24 June and the 2017 annual convention which will be held 2-5 September in Malta – make sure you put the dates for both in your diaries!

With networking a key focus of the annual convention, the various drinks receptions, dinners (including the gala dinner) and simply chatting by the pool also proved popular with guests. The Gala dinner saw a staggering £20,000 raised by guests through the charity raffle and associated donations with all proceeds going to the Brighter Futures Radiotherapy Appeal.

The annual golf tournament meanwhile saw David Darsey, Managing Director of Erith Contractors’ Demolition Division, take the Claude Brown Trophy. Lawrence Kehoe, representing C&D Consultancy was the overall winner whilst the team prize went to Andrew Verity, director of Tyne Tees Crushing & Screening and Mike Allen representing Lawson Demolition.

President Martin Wilson said the annual Convention played a vital role in creating “a feeling of unity” for those in the industry as well as being an important source of feedback and discussion for members. He thanked all those involved, both those organising and attending, as well as Finning CAT as sponsors of the event and Rammer Hammer who, according to tradition sponsored the Gala Dinner wines this year.

August 30, 2016

Lawrence Kehoe wins the NFDC Golf Tournament

We are pleased to announce that Lawrence Kehoe, son of Mike Kehoe, was the winner of the NFDC Golf Tournament at the weekend Convention in Marbella. Here he is collecting his prize.

May 19, 2016

Demolition Expo 2017 announced

Just Announced!

Demolition Expo 2017 will be going ahead on the 23rd and 24th of June at the Hertfordshire Showground. After the popularity of the 2015 Demolition Expo, the NFDC in partnership with the IDE, are looking forward to hosting another successful event in the hopes of once again breaking all records as the leading Demolition event.

For now, the best way to keep up with news relating to the Expo is through Facebook.

November 25, 2015

Deconstruction of the River Thames Whitchurch Bridge

The NFDC has a great write up of how the Whitchurch Bridge spanning the River Thames was deconstructed by C&D customer Matthews (Sussex) Ltd.

Here's an excerpt:

"Birse Civils (Balfour Beatty) awarded the contract to Matthews (Sussex) Ltd. after a lengthy tender process; the deconstruction methodology proposed by us and previous experience of our staff with bridge deconstruction works contributed to our success. The works had to be carefully planned due to the unstable nature of the structure. A ‘Mabey’ support system needed to be installed at each of the three trestle’s to support the lattice girders prior to works commencing. River traffic management had to be implemented as it was a requirement that river traffic still have right of way during the works. The asphalt and concrete deck needed to be removed sequentially ensuring the load was evenly removed to prevent a ‘seesaw’ effect and subsequent collapse of the structure."

You can read the full article complete with images over at the NFDC website.

September 15, 2015

NFDC 61st Annual Convention heralded a success

The NFDC has posted a detailed review of the 61st Annual Convention on their website, and it seems to have gone extremely well!

It was held at Slieve Donard Resort & Spa in County Down, Northern Ireland with an Irish theme thanks to sponsor Sandvik. Attendance was great, with a golf tournament, welcome drinks, live folk music, Irish cuisine dinner, and Belfast Ceilidh Band for entertainment. And that was all just on the Friday.

Head on over to the NFDC website for full details of what happened during the convention. I'm sure everyone will want to attend the next one after reading it.

September 3, 2015

C&D customers work together to achieve results

Anglian Demolition & Asbestos Limited are a relatively new company having only been around since 2009. You wouldn't know it from recent activity, though. Having been accepted into the NFDC the company currently focuses on work local to their base in Norfolk and across East Anglia.

A recent chat with ECY Haulmark has helped solve a problem all demolition contractors face: how to dispose of site waste with ever-changing rules and regulations. The solution? A Rubblemaster RM70Go compact mobile impact crusher, which can be taken to site and used to crush waste before transporting it--a much more efficient method.

Here's Anglian's managing director Lee Storer showing off the crusher purchased from ECY:

Source: NFDC

July 9, 2015

London Mayor produces Control of Dust and Emissions supplement

The Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority have worked together to produce a new 113-page guidance document entitled The Control of Dust and Emissions During Construction and Demolition - Supplementary Planning Guidance.

You can download it from the NFDC website in PDF form.

Boris Johnson explains in the introduction that the main goal of the document is to continue to improve air quality across London with an "ambitious package of measures." Anyone carrying out construction or demolition work within London will need to understand and adhere to the measures outlined in this guidance.

Source: NFDC

June 25, 2015

Free Courses announced by the NDTG

Over on our training website we have details of some new, free courses happening this year. Go check out the details, but here's the course list for your convenience:

Non-licenced Asbestos

Face Fit

Non-Licenced Asbestos


Supervisor Refresher
Thornaby (Northern Safety)

Oxy Fuel

Supervisor Refresher

Working At Height
25/09/2015 AM

Non-licenced Refresher
25/09/2015 PM

First Aid

Non-licenced Asbestos

Supervisor Refresher

Supervisor Refresher

June 22, 2015

Demolition Expo 2015 site plan

On June 26-27th the Demolition Expo 2015 is being held in West Berkshire. Louise from the NFDC has been kind enough to provide a site plan so you can see the layout. Click on the image above to see it full size.

For anyone who has an indoor stand – you are based inside the marquee. There is not a separate site plan for inside the marquee, unfortunately.

June 18, 2015

Presentation at EDA Conference in Helsinki is well received

Last weekend saw John attend the EDA Conference in Helsinki where he delivered a very well received presentation on tower block demolition in Scotland showcasing how C&D are working in partnership with Safedem on over 20 multi-storey structures with all types of demolition techniques.

Safedem MD and former NFDC President William Sinclair attended in his capacity of EDA Vice President.

The event featured presentations from UK, France, Holland, Germany, Croatia and Spain and various topics were covered including "Waste - The Circular Economy" and "Demolition Trends"

Following the formal conference all delegates attended a black tie dinner on Friday night at the Helsinki Kasino, a former naval conference centre on the waterfront.

If John is speaking at the next EDA Conference in 2016 at least he will know how to get there as it will be held in Glasgow to welcome William Sinclair into the EDA Presidential chair.

May 5, 2015

Demo Expo 2015 just gets better & better!

This year's Demo Expo, the joint venture between the IDE and NFDC, being held on 26th & 27th June just gets better by the day.

Sponsors and exhibitors grow daily with the majority of the outside space already taken and marquee space fully booked.

Here at C&D we booked our stand several months ago and we are now looking forward to the event. The NFDC have issued the flyer you see above as a reminder that:-

- The event is free entry.
- Saturday is "Family Day"
- Demolition plant from all of the major manufacturers will be on show.

Put the dates in your diary now!

March 24, 2015

David Sinclair presented with Lifetime Achievement

The 2015 Annual General Meeting of the NFDC saw David Sinclair presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

The presentation was done on Friday, 13th March at the Dorchester Hotel in London, and forms the ultimate recognition for his work in the demolition industry. A video of the presentation can be viewed over on the KHL Group website.

March 23, 2015

William Sinclair and his father to speak at the World Demolition Summit 2015

We are pleased to pass on the news that William Sinclair, immediate past president of the NFDC, will be giving a presentation at the World Demolition Summit 2015 this year.

His presentation will be about "The demolition role in urban redevelopment," which will have a strong focus on the implosion of the six Red Road towers in Glasgow last year. There's also a chance he will speak about the "Gallowgate Twins" demolition and the first use of Despe’s TopDownWay modular deconstruction system. William's father, David Sinclair, will also be speaking.

If you'd like to hear what William and his father have to say, then make sure to book your tickets when they become available for the summit being held on November 6th.

Source: KHL

February 23, 2015

Demolition Awards 2015 shortlist announced

The NFDC executive committee has drunk a lot of coffee recently, but because of that we now have a Demolition Awards shortlist to share. Here it is, split into categories:

  • Central Demolition Ltd - John Carpenter
  • Connell Brothers Ltd - Kevin Clarke
  • Downwell Demolition Ltd - Ross Evans
  • KDC Contractors Ltd - Sean Joyce
  • Maylarch Environmental Ltd - Quincy Mofford
  • Squibb Group Ltd - Jordan Morris
  • Central Demolition Ltd - Derek Jeffrey
  • Downwell Demolition Ltd - Matthew Stevens
  • Squibb Group Ltd - Nick Smith
  • Tilley & Barrett Ltd - Jason Davey
  • Cantillon Ltd - David Strzelecki
  • Connell Brothers Ltd - Kevin Brooks
  • Dem-Master Demolition Ltd - Paul Sharkey
  • Downwell Demolition Ltd - Christopher Young
  • Erith Group Ltd - Genti (Sal) Kalaci
  • Tilley & Barrett Ltd - Mick Gannon
  • Total Reclaims Demolition Ltd - Richard Stanbury
  • Erith Group Ltd - Utilisation of Grey Water
  • Lawson Demolition Ltd - Waste Management System/Oil Water Separator/Conveyer belt shoot
  • DCS Engineered Bursting Division of DCS Training Ltd - Autostem Pyrotechnic Cartridges
  • Kocurek Excavators Ltd - KMC 350-5 BTV Multi Purpose Demo Machine
  • Komatsu UK Ltd - PC490LC - High Reach Demolition Excavator
  • Liebherr-Great Britain Ltd / ECY Haulmark - R974D VH-HD Special Build
  • Swanton Consulting Ltd - Training Courses
  • Worsley Plant Ltd - MB Crusher Bucket Model BF135.8
  • AR Demolition Ltd
  • GBM Demolition Ltd
  • Maylarch Environmental Ltd
  • AR Demolition Ltd
  • Erith Group Ltd
  • Lawson Demolition Ltd
  • Liebherr-Great Britain Ltd
  • Total Reclaims Demolition Ltd
  • Central Demolition Ltd - Michael Gough Jnr
  • Connell Brothers Ltd - Gareth Sharvin
  • Erith Group Ltd - Ade Parreira
  • Maylarch Environmental Ltd - Gary Beach
  • Squibb Group Ltd - Jason Campbell
Source: NFDC