

April 29, 2013

Gas explosion bursts through London pavement, sends fireball into the air

After the recent bombing in Boston everyone can be forgiven for being a bit on edge. So not one, but three explosions in London has caused some upset. However, these explosions weren't performed by terrorists, they were in fact gas explosions.

They occurred on Pimloco Road due to a power cable bursting. The first was powerful enough to burst through the pavement slabs. The second hurled a fireball into the air through the freshly made hole, while the third was just another explosion with no further fireballs appearing from the ground.

The cable is owned by UK Power Networks and the burst line meant 1,867 customers were without power. But the real issue is how lucky it was no one got hurt. If someone had been walking along that part of the pavement when the first explosion hit, they could have been seriously injured.

Source: The Telegraph

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