Demolition News' Mark Anthony has been running demolition-jobs.co.uk in conjunction with the NFDC for some time now. The original idea being to offer a place to go in these difficult times to advertise yourself for work in the demolition sector.
The site has been a success, and now it's time for an upgrade. So Mark has teamed up with recruitment specialist HumRes to allow demolition contractors to advertise employment to demolition professionals.
What this means is while individual demolition workers can advertise their skills and availability for free, companies can now also advertise openings they have. As Mark explains:
The vacancy will appear in minutes on both demolition-jobs.co.uk and
demolitionnews.com as well as on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and a multitude of other online platforms, ensuring that it is seen by thousands of demolition professionals almost immediately. And although your company’s details will not be visible on the site, prospective employees are then free to make direct contact with you, eliminating the costly recruitment middle-man.
Advertising a position will cost £50 per week or £150 for a month.
Head on over to Demolition News to learn more.
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